Saturday, February 20, 2010

My prediction for Ice Dance.......sorta......

This Olympics, I'm hard-pressed to make a call, but after seeing Belbin and Agusto's compulsory dance, I feel that they have been superceded by these two pairs of wonderful ice dancers....Although, at this writing, the Russian couple is in first place, I find something really completely intangeably unappetizing about their style and presence. Scott and Tessa are the most aesthetic and I love their low positions on the ice...and I think they are two of the best skaters....ever! Charlie and Meryl have it all, too! Tanith and Ben are the seniors now and they're showing signs that their technique may be slipping, although they are great, great ice dancers.......My choice, obviously, is Scott and Tessa, but I don't have such a strong preference for any of my chosen three couples. My prediction......The Canadians by a yard for gold, Charlie and Meryl for silver, Ben and Tanith for bronze, (although I don't like their choreography or music for their free program, and their costumes are dreadful).......again, not a 'shoe-in' by any calculations........Maxim Shabalin and Oksana Domnina represent Russian ice dancers at the very highest technical level.........Yet, their icy distance is off-putting to me.......the same problem that I experienced with Pleshenko.


I had forgotten this odd jade carving, one of many that populate planters full of botanical oddities..... Where did ancient people dig up these images? This is my favorite resident Alien........
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