Saturday, October 23, 2021


Did the 1950's narrow italian shoe with woven top, a double pair of lace holes and 18mm leather heel go the way of pleatless, narrow-hipped pants with 24mm lizard-skin belts, rectangular Hamilton watches with bands to match the belt, fly-less French Eminence under-pants, narrow, squared-off ties and socks with garters? I just donned some Fellini-Fashions and they looked 'right in style'......except for the shoes, socks, garters and tie, sadly....nothing still fits my 'not still 25' carcass......Glenn Gould, Alan Delon and Burt Lancaster set the 'style' for me, when i was 17......but, everyone I knew, under 30, dressed like the 'kids' in Alan Freed's 'rock around the clock' boppers......i'm keepin' dem "C'-toe/'B'-heel" shoes...they look great with Australian Army Surplus WW1 khakis......