Monday, October 23, 2023


 Jim Lancaster, Sonny Laughmiller, Linda Marsh, Larry McBride, Eddie Monks, Fredna Mott, Wilfred "Bushy" Mrazek, Sandra Myers, Antje Neubert, Ellis “Pete” Overton, Thomas Payne, Hans Palaoro, Arlen “Buster” Petty, Jody Pilling, Paula Price, Miriam Reynolds, Mike Rothe, Dottie Sayers, Hartwig Schulze, Charles Shannon, Don York......

"Sparky” Sparks, Linda Spier, Wanda Stewart, Billy Stevens, Randy Sublett, Charles Taylor, Chloe Walling, Virginia Wilson, Craft Wood, Don York, Gerry Allen, Butch Anderson, George Apostolos, Jurgen Arndt, Lesley Ayers, Linda Barksdale, Larry Beach, Walter Bennett, Edwina Bibb, Cecil Bishop. Norman Bradley, Ronnie Bright, Dian Broadway, Janice Brown.........and even more, that had dropped 'off the radar" that I grew up with, went to schools, summer camps, college, dance classes, took basket weaving with, skated on Saturday mornings with, 'made out' at the 'drive-in' with, ran, swam, played hop scotch, tennis and badminton with, kicked the flag and stole the banner with, and graduated from High School with......are all dead now!.......I just received yet another 'uplifting' list of 'the dead' from our High School Alumni Leader.......I was going to "X" out these 'kids' from the old Pierian High School Annual.....but thought better of that! How depressing! When we were 18, we all thought we would live forever.....alas, that was utter fantasy and denial, wasn't it?

and, this year, one of my oldest of friends, Nancy Murray Robinson.....sigh!