Sunday, January 21, 2024

a Patrician Cameo Paperweight that I uncovered in a box of 'stuff' in a drawer.........A 'paper' on its obverse states that it was 'made' in Roswell, Ga...c. 1971....See what happens with one gets 'history' from old Steve Reeves Movies.......


those Greeks!....always wrestling.....sometimes, without the assistance of women and children.....but, then, these 2 guys aren't 'dealing' with a minotaur, are they?

Hercules 'worked this out' with Zeus, Almighty....."crush 'him' and I'll get you a better piece of a*s, Hercules", he promised.....granting him some more 'nude wrestling' with his half-brother, Apollo......purportedly, over some old tripod ....Well, Hermes eventually sold Hercules to the Queen of Lydia, for whom he performed women's work for his year of punishment......Who made up this queer-baiting stuff?! And 'Watch that hand!.....', didn't you 'get enough, already?