Monday, February 8, 2010

BASIL FLOWERS...enlarged 4X

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the little basil plant that i found at a sidewalk sale, years ago, has been growing in a kitchen window......mature, now, it has produced the loveliest little white orchid-like flowers. Unlike the wonderful scent of the basil leaves, the flowers have the scent of cut grass......but the flowers have an absolutely wonderful lemony taste that is best utilized in very delicate dishes.....The stamens have a taste, which lingers....even from a single stamen....on one's palate...... that i actually prefer over saffron, in basmanti rice dishes......The problem, however, is that to flavor a cup of uncooked rice.....I'd have to use an entire year's harvest of the tiny stamens.........for very, VERY special occasions, I think....

Chimes of Kiev Pechersk Lavra by Monks and Choirs of Kiev Pechersk Lavra