these two pillows match, enough, to be stimulating.......a 'pair'.....two, of the same 'thing' just redundancy....and only 'inspires' repetition........countless generations of 'practically' the same old 'Thing'.......At a 'Decorator's "show" house, I noted identical pairs of vases on bi-laterally symmetric furniture and mantles....identical chairs around dining tables.....identical socks on feet of passerbys......Animals are genetically programmed to search for and 'find' familiarity,,,Otherwise, two living things of the same species could be 'too different' for gamete interpenetration......We store our 'differences' in books, museums, concert stages........interspersed with the banality of Sameness....separated by numbered pages, wine-colored, bronze-capped velvet 'ropes' and prosceniums .....Those little houses on the Hillside, have matching curtains and drapes, identical pairs of porcelain vases on their mantles...The 'Matching Up'......separated by walls and gates......united, by lawns of weedless hybridized grasses, mown to uniform heights....