Sunday, July 10, 2011


blue skies and, beyond that perspective, the endless space.
when skies are bleak or stormy or blue and white clouds,
the endless space.....always beyond...
the earth holds us to it like the clouds
and it is the sun, so near,
that's viewing alternates with earth's spinning,
the light which sustains our lives,
the darkness of space,  perpetual and timeless......
in whose realm the matter of existence comes and goes forever
in which our spirits share this flash of time.
the day,  so beautiful and perfect....
i am overwhelmed with happiness and hope for mankind....
the visiting birds alite to eat the bright red pyrocanthus berries
that hug the deckings of my home;
and the bright yellow and black spiders build their giant webs,
leaving, by custom, an opening for my passage to the ponds and fountains beyond.....
the frogs and garden snakes bask  in  warm sunlight,
and the nightbirds tarry to sing of the moonlight....
a moment  of such beauty.....
then, soon, i must bring the outside in to winter.....
the gentle ferns and mosses from exotic lands -
that have not known the cold -
and with the spring, return them with arriving birds
that come again to the safe haven of the garden that we share.......

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