Saturday, June 5, 2010

Wallt Disney's "Little Golden Library"

Although my first hard-cover books were a set of morality play bedtime stories, the first books that I was really interested in were introduced into my library when I was 3. Pinocchio, in 1948, and Cinderella, in 1950. There's a price tag on Pinocchio.......25 cents! All my early books were like these or Grimm's Fairy Tailes, Hans Christian Anderson, and George MacDonald......By 10, I had changed my interests to Roy Rockwood's Bomba the Jungle boy series, Rick Blaine's Scientific Adventures and Tom Corbet's Science Fiction Stories.......Concerned about my puerile tastes, my mother signed me up for Illustrated Classics which arrived every month with dumbed down interpretations of The Brothes Karazamov and Moby Dick........Then it was on to monthly deluxe hard-bound copies of Penrod and Sam, Tom Sawyer........well.....those "boy's books"....
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Too Much Mustard by Professor Armchair

childhood portrait with ratty stuffed dog

what a hairdo! i still have the ratty stuffed dog..........
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rural redneck Eddie moved to NYC, supported himself as a male prostitute, returned to his home in Georgia and redid his a museum......Dubliner, Tom Patterson, who wears the green checked shirt in this video, wrote a fine documentary book on Eddie.....