I pass this grotesquely beautiful sight as I return from the post office.....It is the urban rival equivalent of some of the most remarkable bonsai and trees that grow around rocks and other obstacles on windy cliffs and embankments.....it cares not that it grows in the yard of the ugliest house! Across the street, immense dinner-plate hibiscus flowers droop in homage to the old tree.....I like to image these transported to dwell, clasping a huge boulder, in a magical land of mists.
pragmatic sensualist, motivated by really deep instincts, actualized by willful imaginings and perpetuated by other's desires. Abstract, yet clear in purpose, honest, but abstruse, my moods change like winds and water with my confidences, and when ungrounded, i am both guarded and vulnerable, leaning, in darkness, to the Light, nurtured by instinctual feelings arising from a deep gene pool.