Thursday, September 23, 2021


A nosy friend opened this brass and copper 'casket' that houses a silk kerchief, wrapped around the skeletal remains of a cat, Petroucka Petwasette, now dead for 35 years.....and remarked "this is the creepiest thing I've ever seen!"......I closed the casket, dismissively, but thought about the billions of silk-lined waterproof bronze coffins that contain human remains......Maybe, at heart, I have the sentiment of some ancient Egyptian.... Perhaps I will dump her fragile bones into a cigar box and sell her metal sepulchre....

{Beschreibung: Truhenform mit leicht gewölbtem Scharnierdeckel. Messing und Kupfer. Leicht reliefierter Floraldekor, partiell farbig emailliert. Innenseite mit Samt ausgelegt. H. 9 cm, 12,5 x 9 cm.}