Thursday, September 30, 2021

 after a lot of 'spot-toning'......a 'guys' photo, taken at a Tennessee River 'Water Hole'.....probably by my Aunt Louise.....her 'eye' hidden behind the viewfinder of her Kodak Retina, collapsable bellows 35mm camera......when she didn't want anyone to 'see' her 'looking'....hide behind the rangefinder.....some country boy eye candy at the time, Im sure.

 Napping for 20 in a complex dream in which all but the human were majolica.....a blue kingfisher diving from a lotus, then a field of round, green majolica plates, each with an exotic tropical plant, in high relief......then, a pond of water lilies and singing ceramic tree frogs, attached to golden porcelain bamboo shoots......then, awake, i noted the time past on a triangular red and black watch that had awakened me, having fallen from its precarious balance upon a green majolica parrot's outstretched wing.......perhaps the tiny amber and silver farming ant pins are clued in, for they were on the lapel of the t- shirt that, taken from a basement clothes rack, after years of abandonment, i donned to dream in......Everything makes the next moment..........eventually, even fragments from the deepest inner sanctum files, long forgotten and having moved to less active cortex from the winds of whim and spontaneous associations....recombine as though some ancient RNA were seeking a spontaneous generation......fruit from the well of imaginings.......maybe, this is what that 'vase' is all about.....frivolousness.....maybe, I had too much RImbaud in Saturday night's dreams, and the well still swells and overflows.......