our water supply, when I was a child, was from this beautiful natural spring.....later, it was capped and "controlled", flouridated and chlorinated, becoming very unpalatable.......last night, i was in highly vigilant mode with extremely heightened senses....especially that of smell and hearing......in a trendy restaurant, our group was served water, in beautiful, clear cylindrical glasses.....the odor of the water was like sewage to me.....although the waiter insisted that the water was "filtered"....it was noxious to my senses....after my friends finished their water, the odor vanished....i miss the "BIG SPRING"......However, the water from deep beneath the rocks under the cabin in north Georgia brings memories of the delicious nectar of my youth.....sweet, clear, water.....the most valuable substance on our blue planet.......don't drink bottled water.....demand that the water be potable and pure.....is that too much to ask?
Art of the Lute in Renaissance France by Edward Martin