Monday, May 23, 2022


Every day we should salute and honor the engineers that keep the life support system that keeps this amazing planet running. Without the phytoplankton, the worms, the trees, the insects and the microbes, we could not exist. We humans are merely passengers on this spaceship. We are having a wonderful time amusing ourselves and having fun, yet we give little thought to the crew maintaining the systems that produce the oxygen we breathe and the food we eat. These engineers take care of the vast amount of waste we produce and they help to regulate climate and temperatures. Instead of honoring them, we murder them, each and every day by the tens of millions. We kill them for profit, we kill them for amusement, we kill many just because we don't like them. We eat them, we exploit them, we desecrate their homes, stealing resources from them. We enslave them and sadly the vast majority of humans don't even think about them at all, nor value them, nor respect them. Today I would like to recognize these hard-working members of the crew of Spaceship Ocean. These are a few of the crew tasked with care-taking in North America, pollinating the plants.  {Paul Watson}