Sunday, May 2, 2010

steak and not-potatoes

a delicious luncheon this afternoon. juicy rare skirt steak with quiona, shredded ginger, watercrest, broccolini tips, sliced red and yellow peppers, white balsamic marinated shitake mushrooms (which I picked out and gobbled down before I took this photograph), shaved coconut and crunchy snow peas. I have become accustomed to marinating ingredients, separately, rather than dumping a single "dressing" on a salad. Served with French bread from Alon's and a nutty, red burgundy mixed with a spoonful of mango nectar. For dessert, chocolate-dipped candied tangerine peels and a couple of Columbian aquardiente and rum truffles with a kona expresso.
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Majestic by Kim Ribeiro

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

Looks lovely...sorry I missed lunch