Monday, September 2, 2024

I've been cutting out a hundred or so of the thousands of trumpet vine seed pods.......industriously 'tended' by tiny black wondering....'they resemble "Pea Pods"......If only they were 'safe to cook and eat'....there'd be a 'green bean feast' on the horizon.......I'd better check out "DINING ON WILD EDIBLES", perhaps....before cooking them...they may be poisonous, since I've not seen other animals eating them.......

 after just touching some oozing goo dripping from a trumpet vine's 'Pod' fingers began to turn pink and a rash followed....Well, so much for 'dining on wild plants'....I'll 'stick' to green beans and pea pods, I think.....a hundred beautiful Pods are now in the refuse bags for 'pickup' next week......Although...I did consider drying the pods to a brown, woody state....and using them for 'firewood' to heat my home......rather than 'waste' them.......Nature Abhors 'WASTE', you know.....and, after all, I did not 'cut the grass' a single time this year, allowing the Wilderness Yard to decay and enrich the Soil......I'm considering a 'Composting Box' for all the billions of leaves that will soon blanket the Property, rather than line the street with paper bags, full of potentially good soil, in the making, to enrich the hard, red clay that is in Atlanta's soil......the ants and earthworms will have a delicious Winter, I they aerate the the feathery trumpet vines can 'take over'........Hmmm....I'm wondering if the local deer dine on those pods.....and, perhaps, the kudzu and poison creature's poison may be another's 'fine dining'.......

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