Saturday, June 27, 2009


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focusing into the fractal's corner, even knowing that the imaginary lines that make that corner are but that.... the uncontainable stretches to infinity....only defined by the limits imposed upon its navigational expression by that finishedness of finite learning, viewed from the context of expanding consciousness. Now, words become the pastels and jarring black inks of dreaming the dreams of what may manifest in the approaching fronts of thinking....and, indeed, i have heard music, at the oddest occasions, that has assaulted the vapor of evanescent being that settles about this aging structure that i inhabit.....Poets share this yearning for walking, thus falling, into the vortices of the incomprehensible matrix continuum... and in my memory.....the scent of flowers, velvety stems of white and pink and darkest blood-red, wafts in the cool, humid breeze.... the jewelled birds arrive to nest in the trumpet vine that grows, like a mighty python, through the lattices of the garden, yesterday's tomorrows.....
Opium by Jesse Manno

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