Tuesday, April 27, 2021

Memory of my attendance at a meeting of The Royal Gem Society, in London, almost a half century ago.......evoked by viewing a friend's mention of Liddicoatite

Aptly named after Richard Liddicoat.......whom I met in the 1970's at The Victoria & Albert Museum, where he was lecturing, with other GIA gemologists, particularily...Eduard Josef Gübelin......Examples of unusual and beautiful rocks and minerals were 'passed around' for eager minds to admire......This led to my enrolling in GIA courses to study the 'Internal World of Gemstones'.......and to collecting geodes and mineral formations from the beginnings of Urantia..... Madagascar is home to strange creatures.....and beautiful Gems, found nowhere else......Like great Ideas that emerge from Isolation.......

1 comment:

vaporcloud said...

I lugged back to Atlanta, some new 'Technology'.....a Chelsea Color Filter, a Polarascope and miniature Dichroscope, a miniature refractometer and new Leica lens to replace my 'old' Bausch and Lomb oculars....updating my Atlanta Office to a more Professional Rank with some 'been there, done that' credibility....and got some gold stars and an embossing device for swanker appraisals to accompany some of the more 'important' items that would, hopefully, leave my cases for the bosoms, fingers, necks and wrists of my Patrons.....